Igwe ọkụ na-ekpochapụ ụlọ nyocha mgbe niile nha niile
- Nkọwa ngwaahịa
Ụlọ nyocha na-adị mgbe niile okpomọkụ desktọọpụ nkụ ọkụ
1. The elu okpomọkụ electrothermicblast ụdị ihicha oven mejupụtara ụlọ, okpomọkụ akara usoro, na blastcirculatorysystem.
2. The sheel adoptshigh àgwà oyi akpọrepu ígwè efere, the surfaceis withelectrostatic spraying.The n'ime akpa adopts elu àgwà ígwè.
3. Ọ na-anabata rockwool ka ọ nọrọ n'etiti akpa dị n'ime na shei.
4. The okpomọkụ njikwa systemadpotsmicrocomputersingle-chip technology, nwere ọgụgụ isi digitaldisplay mita, na PIDregulation e ji mara, nhazi oge, mgbanwe okpomọkụ dị iche, n'elu-okpomọkụ akara na ndị ọzọ ọrụ, elu nkenke okpomọkụ akara, ike function.timer nso: 0 ~ 9999min.
5. aircirculatory usoro na-etinye okpomọkụ n'ime ụlọ ọrụ site na ikuku funneland ike mgbanwe okirikiri nke thehot na oyi airin na-arụ ọrụ ụlọ, si otú melitethetemperature uniformity nke na-arụ ọrụ roomhemperature ubi.
ihe nlereanya | Voltaji(V) | Enyere ike (KW) | Ogo ebili mmiri nke okpomọkụ (℃) | Oke okpomọkụ (℃) | Nha ụlọ ọrụ (mm) | n'ozuzu oke(mm) | ọnụ ọgụgụ nke shelves |
101-0AS | 220V/50HZ | 2.6 | ±2 | RT+10-300 | 350*350*350 | 557*717*685 | 2 |
101-0 ABS | |||||||
101-1AS | 220V/50HZ | 3 | ±2 | RT+10-300 | 350*450*450 | 557*817*785 | 2 |
101-1 ABS | |||||||
101-2AS | 220V/50HZ | 3.3 | ±2 | RT+10-300 | 450*550*550 | 657*917*885 | 2 |
101-2 ABS | |||||||
101-3AS | 220V/50HZ | 4 | ±2 | RT+10-300 | 500*600*750 | 717*967*1125 | 2 |
101-3 ABS | |||||||
101-4AS | 380V/50HZ | 8 | ±2 | RT+10-300 | 800*800*1000 | 1300*1240*1420 | 2 |
101-4 ABS | |||||||
101-5AS | 380V/50HZ | 12 | ±5 | RT+10-300 | 1200*1000*1000 | 1500*1330*1550 | 2 |
101-5 ABS | |||||||
101-6AS | 380V/50HZ | 17 | ±5 | RT+10-300 | 1500*1000*1000 | 2330*1300*1150 | 2 |
101-6 ABS | |||||||
101-7AS | 380V/50HZ | 32 | ±5 | RT+10-300 | 1800*2000*2000 | 2650*2300*2550 | 2 |
101-7 ABS | |||||||
101-8AS | 380V/50HZ | 48 | ±5 | RT+10-300 | 2000*2200*2500 | 2850*2500*3050 | 2 |
101-8 ABS | |||||||
101-9AS | 380V/50HZ | 60 | ±5 | RT+10-300 | 2000*2500*3000 | 2850*2800*3550 | 2 |
101-9 ABS | |||||||
101-10AS | 380V/50HZ | 74 | ±5 | RT+10-300 | 2000*3000*4000 | 2850*3300*4550 | 2 |
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