

  • Laboratory Sample Pulverizer ore

    Laboratory Sample Pulverizer ore

    Ngwaahịa nkọwa ụlọ nyocha sample pulverizer ka a na-akpọkwa igwe igwe mgbanaka ụlọ nyocha ma ọ bụ igwe igwe diski laabu.Ọ bụ otu n'ime isi akụrụngwa na usoro nkwadebe sample.Nsonaazụ nnwale dị mma na nke ziri ezi na-adabere n'igwe ihe nlele dị elu.Anyị otu efere na multi-efere usoro mgbanaka na puck pulverizers na-pụrụ iche e mere na arụpụtara maka nzube a.一, Overview Igwe a bụ ihe dị mkpa smashing sample nkwadebe ngwá maka mmepụta na rese ...
  • Obere klaasị ii A2 Tebụlụ kacha nta ka ụlọ nchekwa nchekwa ndu

    Obere klaasị ii A2 Tebụlụ kacha nta ka ụlọ nchekwa nchekwa ndu

    Nkọwa ngwaahịa klaasị II Ụdị A2/B2 Cabinet Safety Biological Cabinet/Klas II Biosafety Cabinet/Microbiological Safety Cabinet Class II Biochemistry Biological Safety Cabinet Biochemistry Obere Klas ii A2 Tebụlụ N'obere nha nke nchekwa nchekwa ndu: ihe nlereanya BSC-700A2-EP Klas II A2 / ihe odide nchekwa nchekwa ndụ nke ụlọ nrụpụta: 1. Ikuku mkpuchi mkpuchi ikuku na-egbochi mmetọ nke ime na mpụga, 30% nke ikuku ikuku na-apụ n'èzí yana 70% nke ...
  • Obere igwe na-akụpịa nkume / ụlọ nyocha ihe na-echipịa ọnụ ọnụ maka mineral iron

    Obere igwe na-akụpịa nkume / ụlọ nyocha ihe na-echipịa ọnụ ọnụ maka mineral iron

    Ngwaahịa Nkọwapụta Obere Nkume Na-akụri Igwe/Lab Sample Crushing Jaw Crusher for Iron Ore Mineral The Laboratory jaw crusher e mere maka ngwa ngwa ngwepịa nke aggregates, ore, mineral, coal, coke, chemicals na ndị ọzọ yiri ihe.Ọ bụ kọmpat na nke arụrụ arụ ọrụ maka ụlọ nyocha izugbe ma ọ bụ obere ihe ọkụkụ na-anya ụgbọelu. A na-enye agba abụọ nke manganese nchara n'ime ụlọ nyocha a.laabu agba nhịahụ.Agba na-agagharị agagharị na-emepụta ihe ọkụkụ abụọ maka mgbanwe ọ bụla, th ...
  • Laboratory Pulverizer maka mmanụ

    Laboratory Pulverizer maka mmanụ

    Ngwaahịa Description Laboratory kaa akara sample pulverizer / lab sample grinder / lab sample egweri igwe nri bụ obere ụlọ nyocha egweri igwe maka egweri na ore/ihe samples n'ime ntụ ntụ, nke e ọtụtụ-eji na laabu nke geology, Ngwuputa, metallurgy, coal, ike , kemịkalụ na ụlọ ọrụ ụlọ, n'ihi na ọ dịghị mmetọ sample sample. The sealed pulveriser na-enweta "akpaaka uzuzu proof" na "pot anti-loose" ngwaọrụ, nke na-enye igwe advan ...
  • Igwe ọkụ maka ụlọ nyocha

    Igwe ọkụ maka ụlọ nyocha

    Ngwaahịa Description Laboratory ihicha oven (na fan ventilashion) Na-eji: A na-eji oven ihicha na ụlọ ọrụ mmepụta ihe na nke Ngwuputa, ụlọ ọrụ nyocha, ahụike na ahụike maka ihicha na ịsa achịcha, na-agbaze wax, igba ogwu na ọgwụgwọ.Àgwà: 1. A na-eji ígwè dị elu mee shei ahụ, elu ya na-eji electrostatic spraying, nke mara mma na ihe ọhụrụ.2.Mpụta dị na windo nlele, nke nwere ike ịhụ ikpo ọkụ nke ihe n'oge ọ bụla.3.Nabata digi...
  • Ụlọ nyocha BOD Cooling Incubator

    Ụlọ nyocha BOD Cooling Incubator

    Nkọwa ngwaahịa Laboratory BOD Cooling Incubator na-eji: Tinye akwụkwọ na ngalaba mmepụta nke nlekọta gburugburu ebe obibi, ahụike na mgbochi ọrịa ọgwụ, anụ ụlọ, aquaculture na ụlọ ọrụ nyocha ndị ọzọ.Ọ bụ ngwaọrụ thermostatic raara onwe ya nye nke mmiri na mkpebi BOD, nje bacteria, fungi, microorganisms cultivation, conservation, plant cultivation, ozuzu nnwale.Njirimara: 1. The shei na-mere nke elu àgwà ígwè, n'elu electrostatic spraying pro ...
  • Thermostatic Laboratory mmiri ịsa ahụ Maka ụlọ nyocha

    Thermostatic Laboratory mmiri ịsa ahụ Maka ụlọ nyocha

    Ngwaahịa Description Thermostatic Laboratory Water Bath Maka Laboratory 一, Jiri ụlọ ọrụ anyị bụ ọkachamara na mmepụta nke oven, incubator, oche dị ọcha, sterilizer, igbe na-eguzogide ọkụ, ọkụ na-agbanwe agbanwe, ọkụ mechiri emechi, efere ọkụ eletrik, tankị mmiri ọkụ, tank mmiri nke atọ, mmiri ịsa mmiri, na igwe mmiri distilled eletrik.Ịdị mma ngwaahịa a pụrụ ịdabere na ya, mmejuputa nkwenye atọ.二, Àgwà 1. A na-eme igbe ahụ nke ụkpụrụ French dị elu s ...
  • Laboratory Digital Thermostatic 2 oghere na-ekpo ọkụ mmiri ịsa ahụ

    Laboratory Digital Thermostatic 2 oghere na-ekpo ọkụ mmiri ịsa ahụ

    Product Description Laboratory Digital Thermostatic 2 oghere Water Bath Jiri Nke a electric mgbe niile okpomọkụ mmiri bathisfor evaporation, ihicha, ịta, mgbe niile okpomọkụ kpo oku ule nke Productincolleges na mahadum, sayensị nnyocha ngalaba na mmepụta nkeji.Njirimara 1.the chamber na-mere ofhigh àgwà oyi-akpọrepu ígwè efere na nụchara anụcha, n'elu electrostatic spraying, modeling bụ akwụkwọ akụkọ, nka.2.The n'ime akpa na n'elu cover adopts ...
  • Laboratory 4 oghere Thermostatic Digital Water Bath

    Laboratory 4 oghere Thermostatic Digital Water Bath

    Product Description Laboratory 4 Oghere Thermostatic Digital Water Bath 一,Jiri Nke a electric mgbe niile okpomọkụ mmiri bathisfor evaporation, ihicha, ịta, mgbe niile okpomọkụ okpomọkụ ule nke Productincolleges na mahadum, sayensị nnyocha ngalaba na mmepụta nkeji.二, Àgwà 1.the ụlọ na-mere ofhigh àgwà oyi-akpọrepu ígwè efere na nụchara anụcha, n'elu electrostatic spraying, modeling bụ akwụkwọ akụkọ, nka.2.The n'ime akpa na n'elu mkpuchi ...
  • Ụlọ nyocha ụlọ nyocha maka ikpo ọkụ

    Ụlọ nyocha ụlọ nyocha maka ikpo ọkụ

    Nkọwa ngwaahịa na-eji: Ọ dabara maka ikpo ọkụ na ụlọ nyocha, ụlọ ọrụ mmepụta ihe na nke Ngwuputa na ngalaba sayensị na nyocha.Njirimara:1.Ọ na-anabata ụdị kpo oku mechiri emechi na-enweghị ọkụ gba ọtọ.2.Ọ adopts silicon achịkwa stepless regulating dị iche iche kpo oku okpomọkụ.3. The shei adopts electrostatic spraying technology.O nwere elu mkpuchi kwụ ọtọ ma mara mma.4.A na-eji ígwè nkedo mee elu ikpo ọkụ.DJITAAL SUPER GIANT ụlọ nyocha HOTPLATE 500X250MM ruo ...
  • Igwe ọkụ ụlọ nyocha kacha mma

    Igwe ọkụ ụlọ nyocha kacha mma

    Product Description Best Laboratory Hot Plate 一, eji: Ngwaahịa a dabara adaba maka kpo oku nke samplesin ugbo, oke ohia, gburugburu ebe obibi nchedo, geology na mmanụ ala, chemical, nri na ndị ọzọ na ngalaba na ụlọ ọrụ nke elu mmụta, sayensị nnyocha nkeji.二, Àgwà: 1.The shei mere nke elu àgwà ígwè,withelectrostatic sprayingsurface, ọhụrụ imewe, ọdịdị, corrosion arụmọrụ, inogide.2.Adopt thyristorstepless ukpụhọde, nke ca ...
  • Igwe ọkụ na ikpo ọkụ

    Igwe ọkụ na ikpo ọkụ

    Ngwaahịa Description Heating and Drying ovens anyị na-emepụta oven okpomọkụ akọrọ nke Gruenberg na Blue M iji wepụ mmiri na ngwaahịa.Ụdị abụọ ahụ na-enye ụdị dịgasị iche iche na ike ihicha na oke okpomọkụ, ị ga-ahụ na ị ga-ahụ nke ọma.A na-eji oven ihicha, ma ọ bụ ọkụ ọkụ kpọrọ nkụ, wepụ ihe dị n'ime mmiri na mkpuchi na ihe dị iche iche.Usoro ihicha na-apụta site na ngwa ụlọ nyocha dị iche iche gụnyere igba ogwu nke ihe na eq ...