Tebụlụ mgbaba moto maka ngwa ngwa ciment
Nkọwa ngwaahịa NLB-3 ụdị ciment motar fluidity tester/Motorized flow table for ciment mortar Ngwa a na-emezu ihe achọrọ nke ọkọlọtọ JC / T 958-2005 ma na-ejikarị maka nyocha mmiri nke ciment mortar. Nka na ụzụ Parameters: 1.Total arọ nke na-eti akụkụ: 4.35kg ± 0.15kg 2. Falling anya: 10mm ± 0.2mm 3. Vibration ugboro: 1 oge / s 4. Na-arụ ọrụ okirikiri: 25 ugboro 5. Net arọ: 21kg Photo: Cement fluidity electric jumping table (nke a makwaara dị ka ciment ngwa agha f ... -
Steel Cylinder Cube Concrete Specimen Mold
Ihe nlere nchara nchara
ihe Cement Motar 50mm 70.7mm 100mm cube ebu
ciment ihe cube ebu, motar ciment Test ebu
Cement Concrete Cylinder Mold Dia.100*200mm
Cylinder Mold maka Concrete
Plastic Steel Cylinder Mold for Concrete Dia.100*200mm Dia.150*300mm
Plastic Cylinder Mold maka Concrete
150 * 150 * 150mm 950g plastic ihe cube ebu
950g plastic ihe cube ebu
Concrete 150x150x150 Nkedo Iron Cube Mold
150 mm Cast Iron Steel Concrete Cube Test Mold na ọnụ ahịa ụlọ ọrụ
Ngwa nyocha nke ọma ciment
Ngwa Nnwale Nleba Ciment Fineness A na-eji ciment fineness adịghị mma nrụgide sieve analyzer iji nwalee ịdị mma nke simenti Portland, ciment Portland nkịtị, simenti slag Portland, ciment ash Portland, na simenti Portland mejupụtara. Ihe nyocha siri ike na-adịghị mma maka ịdị mma ciment bụ isi sieve base, micro moto, nhicha oghere, cyclone na njikwa eletriki. Ntuziaka maka ojiji: 1. Tupu ule nyocha sieve, mezie diski dijitalụ... -
Igwe Nleba Ọhụrụ Standard Concrete Cement Sample Curing Testing Machine
Ngwa Ngwa Nlele nke Cement Standard Curing Apparatus
Igwe anaghị agba nchara simenti na-agwọta Cabinet
Cement na-adịgide adịgide iru mmiri na-agwọ Cabinet
Mita ọdịnaya ihe ikuku (mita ntinye ikuku)
Nkọwa ngwaahịa Concrete Air Content Meter (Miter Entrainment Meter) Ihe nleba anya ihe ngwakọta gas dị mma maka ịlele ọdịnaya gas nke ngwakọta ihe na mkpokọta mkpokọta nha adịghị karịa 40mm, ọdịnaya gas adịghị elu karịa 10%, na slump, nke kwekọrọ. na Ministry of Communications 94-07-06 "Highway Niile usoro edebere nke Engineering Cement Concrete Test Regulations na-agbaso. GBJ80-85 ọkọlọtọ. Oke ike: 7L -
Mita ntinye ikuku concrete
Nkọwa ngwaahịa HC-7L Concrete Mixture Gas Content Tester Ihe nleba anya ihe ngwakọta gas dị mma maka ịlele ọdịnaya gas nke ihe ngwakọta ahụ na nha nha nha ọ bụla na-erughị 40mm, ọdịnaya gas adịghị elu karịa 10%, na slump, nke kwekọrọ na ya. The Ministry of Communications 94-07-06 "Highway Niile usoro edebere nke Engineering Cement Concrete Test Regulation na-agbaso iwu. GBJ80-85 ọkọlọtọ. Ikike kachasị: 7L