
Ihe emeputara ohuru

  • Agricat Agricatory Vicat Agricatus maka ciment

    Agricat Agricatory Vicat Agricatus maka ciment

    Product Description Laboratory Vicat Needle Apparatus for Cement XS2019-8 Intelligent Cement setting time meter is a cement condensate time developing equipment developed by the test environment temperature and humidity requirements, initial condensate measurement standards and final condensation measurement standards according to the GB/T1346-2011. . XS2019-8 Intelligent Cement setting time meter can replace the artificial manual test process and constant temperature and humidi...
  • Product Description Computer Controlled Vicat Needle Apparatus XS2019-8 Intelligent Cement setting time meter can replace the artificial manual test process and constant temperature and humidity box function in the cement condensate time test. The main technical parameters : 1. Power voltage: 220V50Hz power: 50W 2. Eight round molds can be placed in the test parts at the same time, and each round mold is automatically alarm. 3. Ime ụlọ na-arụ ọrụ: ọnweghị ájá, ọkụ eletrik siri ike, stron ...
  • Product Description Automatic Vicat Needle Instrument Tests can be performed in air or in water bath with constant temperature Automatic Vicat needle instrument XS2019-8 Intelligent Cement setting time meter is a cement condensate time developing equipment developed by the test environment temperature and humidity requirements, initial condensate measurement standards and final condensation measurement standards according to the GB/T1346-2011. . XS2019-8 nwere ọgụgụ isi ciment STETI ...
  • Kọmputa na-achịkwa akpaaka ciment na-akpaghị aka
  • Akpachapụ anya Cent ciment

    Akpachapụ anya Cent ciment

    Product Description Automatic Vicat Needle Cement Setting Time Tester Automatic Vicat Needle For Cement is automatically compared with the manual synchronization time comparison test of the 240 groups of the Institute of Cement Science and the New Architecture Materials Research Institute. Ọnụego njehie ahụ na-arụ ọrụ <1%, nke na-egosi na nnwale nke nnwale ya na ntụkwasị obi na-ezute usoro ule nke mba. N'otu oge ahụ, a na-echekwa ọrụ na arụ ọrụ. XS201 ...
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