Ugboro abụọ kwụ ọtọ ihe igwekota maka laabu
Product Description Double Horizontal Shaft Concrete Mixer for Laboratory Concrete Mixer is mainly composed of retarding mechanism, mixing chamber, worm gear pair, gear, sprocket, chain and bracket, etc.Through the chain transmission, the machine mixing pattern for motor drive axle shaft cone drive, cone by gear and chain wheel drives the stirring shaft rotation, mixing materials.Unloading transmission form for motor through a belt drive reducer, Reducer site na draịva na-akpali akpali ... -
Ciment ike nrụgide
Product Description Cement Negative Pressure Sieve Analysis Device FSY-150B Intelligent Digital Display Negative Pressure Sieve AnalyzerThis product is a special instrument for sieve analysis according to the national standard GB1345-91 “Cement fineness test method 80μm sieve analysis method”, which has the characteristics of simple structure, convenient intelligent processing operation, high accuracy and good repeatability, which can reduce energy consumption . Nrita na Nka ... -
Ihe ụlọ nyocha eji eme ihe
Nkọwapụta ngwaahịa na-arụ ọrụ na-eme ngwa ahịa na igwekotaenyo ngwanrọ HJS-60 n'ụlọ nyocha eji eme ihe igwekota, nke ejiri nyocha na nyocha ụlọ akwụkwọ. Our mixer advantages:After a long time of use, if the mixing blades are worn out, there is no need to buy a new mixer, all blades can be taken down and replace new blades. A gụnyela usoro ngwakọta dị iche iche nke ọma(Jg2444-2009). Prod ... -
Yh-40B 60B 80b 90b 90b 90B
A na-ejikarị ọdụ ngwaahịa yh-40B maka ịgwọ ụdị ule nke ciment, ihe na-akụ. Igwe a nwere ike ịnọgide na-eme nyocha ule na ọkwa okpomọkụ na ogo iru mmiri. A na-eji akwa akwa mmiri maka ịgwọ ya na usoro nnwale na-akọwapụta ịgwọ mmiri iru mmiri maka ịgwọ ọrịa ciment ule. The curing cabinet provides from -25ºC to +70ºC temperature and up to 98% humidity of cement specimens by an immersion heater and refrigerator unit which are ... -
Laboratory na-eji gwọọ uzuoku
Product Description Laboratory Use Steam Curing Tank For Pipe Pile Cement This steam curing tank is designed for steam curing of accelerated strength cement. Ime nke eji igwe anaghị agba nchara. A na-eme ihe ndị na-ahụ maka ya. This equipment is a new type of intelligent equipment designed and manufactured according to the technical requirements of “A.4.2 Steam Curing Box” of GB / T 34189-2017 “Portland cement used for pipe pile without high pressure steam”. The inqui ... -
Tebụl na-emegharị emegharị maka tebụl jollting
Product Description Vibrating Table Used for Cement Jolting Table Special equipment for testing cement mortar according to ISO679: 1999 cement strength test method. Ọ na-emezu ihe ndị achọrọ nke JC / T682-97 mgbe ị na-emepụta ihe, a na-emegharị ma kpụrụ n'okpuru teknụzụ ndị edepụtara. Ntanetị ọrụ; 1.Total weight of vibration part: 20 ± 0.5kg 2. Drop of vibration part: 15mm ± 0.3mm 3. Frequency of vibration: 60 times / min 4. Working cycle: 60 seconds 5. Motor power: 110W -
Cice mara mma
Product Description High Quality Cement Paste Laboratory Mixer Technical Parameters: 1. Slow rotation of the stirring blade: 62 ± 5 rpmFast revolution: 125 ± 10 revolutions / minSlow rotation of the stirring blade: 140 ± 5 rpmFast rotation: 285 ± 10 rpm 2. The inner diameter of the mixing pot x the maximum depth: Ф160 × 139mm 3. Motor power: fast: 370W Syperd ọsọ: 170W 4.NET: 65KG 5. Ike ọkọnọ: 380V -
Oge ciment oge nnwale Vicat Agy
Product Description ISO Cement Standard Consistency and Setting Time Tester (new standard French Vicat) The new standard method of Vicat is based on the equivalent of IS09597-1989 “Cement Test Method-Determination of Water Consumption and Setting Time of Standard Consistency of Clean Pulp”, which is suitable for Portland cement, ordinary Portland cement, slag silicate rock cement, powder Physical inspection instruments for coal ash portland cement, Pozolanic Portland ciment, ... -
Ca-5 ciment calcium sexide
Product Description Ca-5 cement free calcium oxide rapid measuring instrument/Cement Free Calcium Oxide Fast Tester Free calcium oxide is the main indicator of cement quality and clinker calcination thermal engineering system. The instrument uses ethylene glycol extraction benzoic acid direct titration method, under specific conditions, only 3 minutes to quickly and accurately determine the free calcium oxide content. Enwere ike iji ya na njikwa mmepụta osisi ciment, ụlọ Materia ... -
Ciment free calciumxiume Scarker
Product Description Cement Free Calcium Oxide Tester.Lab Test Apparatus Ca-5 cement free calcium oxide rapid measuring instrumentFree calcium oxide is the main indicator of cement quality and clinker calcination thermal engineering system. The instrument uses ethylene glycol extraction benzoic acid direct titration method, under specific conditions, only 3 minutes to quickly and accurately determine the free calcium oxide content. Enwere ike iji ya na njikwa mmepụta nke osisi ciment, Bui ... -
Igwe eji eme ihe eji eme ihe
Product Description Twin Shaft Concrete Mixer for Laboratory Mixer is mainly composed of retarding mechanism, mixing chamber, worm gear pair, gear, sprocket, chain and bracket, etc.Through the chain transmission, the machine mixing pattern for motor drive axle shaft cone drive, cone by gear and chain wheel drives the stirring shaft rotation, mixing materials.Unloading transmission form for motor through a belt drive reducer, reducer by chain Drive na-akpali akpaligharị, tụgharịa ma tọgharịa, na-enweghị ...